Current Time

Current Time: April 1930

Saturday, June 12, 2010

And so it begins ...

First, welcome.

This blog will track our current bear market as it follows the one from 1929-1933.
Yes, the one that started with the Crash of 1929 and ushered in the Great Depression.

Our market is an exact match.

Unfortunately, that means we are heading for an even worse economic collapse.
30 straight years of credit bubble after credit bubble will do that to you.

The Millennial Depression cannot be avoided, but we can prepare for what is to come.

Follow here as I lead you through the ups and downs of the stock market.
The final target is (gulp) below Dow 1,000 ...


  1. Really looking forward to your work here, Venerable.

  2. Thanks to my first few followers,
    glad to have you here!

  3. Thanks for this blog as well as your posts on CNBC which were equally excellent as well as educational. I've checked your facts against the history of the last depression and you are coming in 100 percent correct. The nay-sayers on the comment section at CNBC are 'religious' in their beliefs; which is a shame.
    Please keep up the good work as a lot of your charts are very hard to find; but like I said, so far I've found your accuracy completely reliable. In short: Screw the nay-sayers! You're right!
